

Shinpei's Headphones!!! *n*

Shinpei is one of the SuG's band members. he's a drummer.
you can read some of their infos here or SuG's Official Site.
he's cute. xD
and of course his headphones too~~ :3

i really love them...:
right view            left view

all of the headphones are so cute!!! xD
i want them, lol. but... i guess i have to do it myself. >_<


My Wishes 5

wow. baru ckit je wish Mika. xP
x sangka lak.

kali ni wish Mika adalah utk mndapatkan...cincin.
haha. mcm ape je kan?
eleh. xyah tggu kksih nk bg la...beli sndri ckup! cantik gak.
mmg Mika xde main pakwe2 ni. mls. dh la tgh tension, kalo die leh kurgkan tension xpe gak. ni kang die bg teruk lg tension kte. watpe kn? tu yg ade org tu smpai nk bnuh dri. kkdg doktor pun leh nk bnuh dri???
W T F???
ish3... Mika hrp xde la bnde2 ni jd kt Mika. huhu....dh luar topik. xD

xkan la pakwe nk bg makwe cincin ni kan? yg music note tu xtau la ade ke x. tp yg armor tu? ade kah? xD

cmni ade la kot? :3

and I want all of them! xD
but have to buy it online. -_-'
uh... watever. i still want it!